development, javascriptFebruary 01, 2015By adminCSS – CLEARING FLOATSA common problem with float-based layouts is that the floats' container doesn't want to stretch up to accommodate the floats. If you want to add, say, a border around all floats (ie. a border around the container) you'll have to command the browsers somehow to stretch up the container all the way.
development, htmlJanuary 31, 2015By adminHTML5 ELEMENTSHTML5 offers new elements for improving semantics of code as well as better document structure. These elements could now be used to replace traditional HTML code like <div id=”nav”> <div class=”header”> <div id=”footer”>
development, javascript, jquery, coffeescriptJanuary 29, 2015By adminCOFFEESCRIPT – JQUERYWriting jQuery in CoffeeScript, further simplifies the syntax. The jQuery(function($)) can be written as jQuery($) -> or simply $ ->.
development, css, sassJanuary 28, 2015By adminSASS – VARIABLESNative CSS variable support is still in its infancy, but Sass affords us a way to set reusable values.
development, javascript, node.jsJanuary 27, 2015By adminNODE.JS – EVENTSMany objects in Node emit events: a net.Server emits an event each time a peer connects to it, and fs.readStream emits an event when the file is opened. All objects which emit events are instances of events.EventEmitter.
development, rubyJanuary 16, 2015By adminRUBY – INTRODUCTIONRuby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan.
development, javascript, jqueryDecember 30, 2014By adminJQUERY – HOW TO USEIn this article we’ll look at how we can use jquery to manipulate, traverse and select DOM elements at ease. Before we start we have to download jquery and load it in your HTML document
development, javascript, ext.jsDecember 21, 2014By adminEXT.JS – INTRODUCTIONExt JS is a product of Sencha. Ext JS is the industry’s most powerful desktop application development platform with unparalleled cross-browser compatibility, advanced MVC architecture, plugin-free charting, and modern UI widgets.
development, javascriptDecember 14, 2014By adminGOOGLE DRIVE – AUTHENTICATIONWhen you are developing an application interfacing Google Driver API, it's mandatory to consider how you are going to handle the authentication for your user. In this article, we are discussing how to implement Google Drive Authentication for your app via its API.