development, javascriptNovember 10, 2015By adminNODE JS SECURITYNode.js has gained momentum in the recent years but there are not many security guidelines available out there.
development, javascriptOctober 31, 2015By adminFUNCTIONAL JAVASCRIPTTo understand Functional JavaScript and the quirks of JavaScript, we will have to look into the history of JavaScript and how it was created.
development, javascript, react.jsOctober 27, 2015By adminREACT BEST PRACTICES & PATTERNSIn this article we discuss about React best practices & patterns for writing React components, and the recommendations here aim at coding convensions and patterns.
development, http2October 17, 2015By adminHTTP2: NEW FEATURESHTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web.
development, javascript, node.jsOctober 07, 2015By adminINTRODUCTION TO HAPICreated by Eran Hammer, hapi.js is an open source framework built on top of Node.js for building web applications and services by Wallmart. In this tutorial, we will go through the advantages of hapi and build a simple application using hapi as the server.
development, javascriptSeptember 14, 2015By adminES6 SYMBOLSSymbols are a new primitive type in ES6. If you ask me, they’re an awful lot like strings. They are tokens that serve as unique IDs. They will help avoid name clashes between properties.
development, javascriptSeptember 13, 2015By adminREACT & ES6ES6 is here and now. So writing React JS components in ES6 will be beneficial considering the new features ES6 brings to us.
development, javascriptSeptember 12, 2015By adminES6 TEMPLATE STRINGSTemplate strings in JavaScript consist of literal text, and placeholders where the runtime can evaluate an expression to inject data into the text.
development, javascriptSeptember 11, 2015By adminISOMORPHIC JAVASCRIPTIsomorphic JavaScript means that we get to share the same code on the client and on the server. So basically, you are rendering your application markup on the server and piping it down as complete HTML to the browser.