development, htmlMay 11, 2014By adminSEMANTIC HTMLSemantic HTML is a way of describing the content of an HTML document, it is not a way of making your page look pretty or visually appealing.
development, htmlOctober 20, 2014By adminHTML INTRODUCTIONThe language of a webpage is HTML. HTML allows you to take a plain text document created in any simple text editor and organize it into lists, link to other webpages, including images, and more.
development, htmlJanuary 31, 2015By adminHTML5 ELEMENTSHTML5 offers new elements for improving semantics of code as well as better document structure. These elements could now be used to replace traditional HTML code like <div id=”nav”> <div class=”header”> <div id=”footer”>
development, css, htmlJuly 17, 2016By adminWRITING FORMS IN REACT AND REDUXrWiting forms in React and Redux can be challenging, having to deal with forms and fields. In this article we are going to build couple of form using an exisiting library sepcifically for Redux called react-redux-form.
development, css, htmlJuly 22, 2016By Sean AmarasingheSAFARI CSS HACKSApplying changes only for Safari has been always a challenging task. Also adding the fact that Safari has changed since version 6.1 makes it even harder. In this article we are going to discuss Safari CSS hacks.
development, javascript, css, htmlAugust 04, 2016By adminWEB PAGE RENDERINGWeb page rendering is an important subject to study in order to optimize page load times, and to understand how to design solutions to cater for that. For understanding how web pages get rendered, we need to study how browsers render a web page.