development, javascript, reactApril 13, 2018By adminREACT CONTEXT APIThe context API will finally become a first-class citizen with the release of React 16.3. Facebook has announced that they are going to release a stable yet revamped version of the context API.
development, javascript, reactJune 13, 2017By adminASYNCHRONOUS JAVASCRIPT WITH ASYNC/AWAITPromises are great but the its nested syntax can get easily complex and hard to follow. With ES2017 async and await keywords for writing asynchronous code makes it more readable and easier to follow than equivalent code based on long promise chains or deeply nested callbacks.
development, javascript, es6May 30, 2017By Sean AmarasingheWEB APPLICATION SECURITYES6 introduced improved parameter handling in JavaScript. Instead of the half array arguments object, these new improvements will significantly improve how we handle arguments and parameters.
development, securityMay 30, 2017By adminWEB APPLICATION SECURITYCyber security has become a necessity for any web developer building client-facing web applications. We are looking into few options for securing our app.
development, javascript, es6October 20, 2016By adminES6 RECURSION WITH FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMINGIn this article, we are going to use ES6 recursion with functional programming to understand how we can implement list operations like map, reduce, filter and join.
development, javascript, es6August 22, 2016By adminTESTING REACT COMPONENTS WITH ENZYMEReact has become the framework of choice recently within the JavaScript community. And the tools for testing React components has also gained lot of attention.
development, javascript, es6August 11, 2016By adminES6 GENERATORSES6 generators are functions that can be paused or resumed, and work cooperatively in a multitasking applications.
development, rails, rubyAugust 08, 2016By adminCREATE A RAILS 5 API APPLICATIONRails 5 ships a new gem rails-api which makes building API only rails apps a breeze. ActiveRecord is a part of Rails 5 along with a strong asset pipeline, making Rails a great option for creating APIs.
development, javascript, css, htmlAugust 04, 2016By adminWEB PAGE RENDERINGWeb page rendering is an important subject to study in order to optimize page load times, and to understand how to design solutions to cater for that. For understanding how web pages get rendered, we need to study how browsers render a web page.